Now that Hurricane Season has officially begun, if you're thinking about purchasing a random gift for me, consider my Hurricane Registry (I'd even find a re-gifting of these items acceptable):
Portable camp stove or grill
Stove fuel or charcoal, lighter fluid
Aluminum foil
Oven mitts
Non-Perishable Foods*
Canned meats, fruits, vegetables
Bread in moisture-proof packaging
Cookies, candy, dried fruit
Canned soups & milk
Powdered or single serve drinks
Cereal bars
Peanut butter & jelly
Instant coffee & tea
Equipment & Other Items
Manual can opener*
Disposable plates, cups & eating utensils
Napkins & paper towels
Flashlight* (one per person)
Portable battery powered lanterns
Glass enclosed candles (only for use after the storm)
Battery powered radio or TV
Battery operated alarm clock
Extra batteries, including hearing aids
Ice chest & ice
First aid kit, including aspirin, antibiotic cream & antacids
Mosquito repellent
Sun screen (SPF 45 recommended)
Waterproof matches/butane lighter
Bleach or water purification tablets
Maps of the area with landmarks
Disposable diapers & moist towelettes*
Formula, food & medication*
Photo copies of prescriptions*
Photo identification*
Proof of residence (utility bills)*
Medical history*
Waterproof container for document storage
Back up discs of your home computer files
Camera & film
Other Necessities
Tools: hammer, wrenches, screw drivers, nails, saw
Trash bags (lots of them)
Cleaning supplies
Plastic drop cloth
Mosquito netting
ABC rated fire extinguisher
Duct tape or strong masking tape for emergency repairs (not to tape windows)
Outdoor extension cords
Spray paint
Personal Supplies
Prescriptions* (1 month supply)
Toilet paper
Soap, shampoo & detergent
Toiletries & feminine hygiene products*
Changes of clothing*
Extra glasses or contacts
Bedding: pillows, sleeping bag*
Rain ponchos & work gloves
Entertainment: books, magazines, card games, etc.*
Dry & canned food
Water (half gallon per day)
Litter box supplies
One gallon of water per person per day (half for drinking, half for bathing) Store water in clean, plastic containers such as soft drink bottles or milk jugs.
Have TWO WEEKS supply of each item for each person in your home.