That said, here in the Tampa Bay Area, we were fortunate, make that, VERY fortunate to, for the most part, just suffer minor damage, mostly trees, fences and pool screens. The biggest issue most of us faced was power outages, which some are still waiting to be restored.
As for us, power was back on at Noon Tuesday. We spent the better part of 3 1/2 days of oak tree branches, leaves and debris clean up.
We spent Sunday night watching Irma coverage on TV until a transformer finally blew and the power went out. My wife, son and daughter-in-law spent the night trying to sleep in an interior room of about 50 square feet. It wasn't so bad because the wind wasn't as bad as expected and the interior temperature wasn't bad.
We awoke to the before mentioned tree damage. Interesting to watch our neighbors slowly emerge to also assess the situation, on their property. Besides the power outage, we also lost our AT&T connectivity. We were without the entire day. Our daughter-in-law's work phone is Verizon so she was able to post our status on Facebook and we had a phone to call a few family members to let them know we were okay.
Despite living in Florida for most of the past 30 years and blogging on this topic for over 1/3 of that time, this was the first hurricane that we really went through.
Once is enough!
Finally, a few of my favorite Irma Internet memes: